
Natural resources within Chester County have been mapped and inventoried by a number of county, state, and federal organizations. Most of these maps are compiled at the regional level. Thus they are useful for preliminary investigations, but do not provide the sort of detailed inventory needed to rigorously evaluate conditions on an individual property.

Chester County Natural Resources Inventory Interactive Map

Explore the Planning Commission's interactive map of natural resources in Chester County. The interactive map includes mapping for geology and soils, water resources, open space, natural habitat, and the ability to overlay resources on a single map. View map.

Chester County Natural Heritage Inventory

The Chester County Natural Heritage Inventory 2015 presents extensive mapping and descriptions of the locations of what are commonly known as "threatened and endangered species" in Chester County. View mapping and the inventory.

Other Natural Resources Inventories

View publications and web pages that address natural resources within Chester County.

State and Federal On-line Resources

There are a number of web pages maintained by the federal government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania which provide interactive mapping or downloadable documents that list, describe, or map natural resources with Chester County. View resources that are especially useful in land use planning.

Protected Open Space Inventory

Please visit the Open Space page of our website to learn more about the Chester County Protected Open Space Inventory and other resources for preserving open space in the County.

If there is specific information you need regarding natural resources, please contact the Chester County Planning Commission at 610-344-6285.