What's New

The Chester County Planning Commission collects and shares publications, reports, maps, videos and other newsworthy information that supports the six goals and vision of Landscapes3, the county's comprehensive plan. The stories below are organized by the plan's six goal areas — Preserve, Protect, Appreciate, Live, Prosper, Connect — and the Vision.

How We Preserve

photoConservation Subdivision Design Guide

CCPC released a new Conservation Subdivision Design Guide to help municipalities develop effective ordinances that enable conservation subdivisions. Learn more and check out the guide.

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How We Protect

photoResources for Woodlands & Tree Protection

CCPC launched a new webpage to assist in the protection of the county's trees and woodlands. Learn more.

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How We Appreciate

Heritage Tourism PhotoHeritage Tourism Plan

A strategic, multi-year plan to identify, interpret, and market heritage resources and stories found throughout the County. Learn more.

Village Preservation GuideVillage Preservation Design Guide

This guide is designed to help local municipalities preserve their villages, while allowing them to change and grow to remain relevant in their communities. Learn more.

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How We Live

photo2023 Housing Report Released

The Housing Report highlights data on the latest housing prices, affordability, and new units constructed across Chester County. Learn more.

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How We Prosper

Farm GuideChester County Farm Guide

Check out the The Chester County Farm Guide for over 125 farms and retail outlets selling locally grown goodness. Learn more.

NonRes Report2023 Non-residential Construction Report

Chester County saw a drop in non-residential construction in 2023, but the number of projects remained one of the highest compared to the last five years. Learn more.

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How We Connect

connect 1Solar Resources

Chester County launched a new Walk. Ride. Drive. Safe campaign offering tips and rules to keep pedestrians and bicyclists safe — and drivers aware. Learn more.

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Landscapes3 Vision and Map

photoAgricultural Landscapes Design Guide Released

The latest and final Landscapes design guide in CCPC's series has been released! Learn more.

photoRural Landscapes Design Guide Released

CCPC recently released a new Rural Landscapes Design Guide. Learn more.