Stay on the lookout for our 2021 Success Stories


Posted January 24, 2022

While Chester County features a variety of successes that are known throughout the year, there are many important initiatives that take place in the background as well.

The Chester County Planning Commission tracks and collects these success stories to share on an annual basis. They support the six goals and vision of Landscapes3 and cover a wide range of topics and initiatives, which ultimately helps us determine how well — and what — the county is accomplishing each year.

"We are once again excited to share these great successes, as this is not just a Planning Commission effort, but a county-wide effort that includes everyone from residents, to those who work or own a business, to visitors," commented Brian O'Leary, the Planning Commission's Executive Director. "Despite another difficult year, we saw some really great things happen in Chester County in 2021."

Examples of some successes this past year include the adoption of the county's new Climate Action Plan, the release of the Suburban Landscapes Design Guide, the preservation of many new properties like the 577-acre Glenroy farm along Octararo Creek or the 42-acre Sproat Farm in New Garden Township, the annual Town Tours & Village Walks Program, and the adoption of a Complete Streets Policy — to name a few.

Next month, make sure to stay on the lookout as we'll be featuring the list of 2021 stories (broken out by Landscapes3 goal area) on our website!

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Check out the 2020 metrics and success stories.