Implementation — How we Appreciate

Expand heritage tourism programs

How we Appreciate

From interactive interpretive signage to attending or participating in Battle of Brandywine reenactments, there are multiple opportunities to further share the county's rich history with residents and visitors.

Photo contest entry: Xiawei Zhang

Grow heritage tourism programs to strengthen cultural awareness and the beneficial economic impacts of historic and cultural resource preservation.


Building from existing programs such as Town Tours and Village Walks, Kennett Underground Railroad site tours, and battlefield reenactments, new programs would connect more people to our history and grow the economic benefits of heritage tourism.


Expansion of heritage tourism could take multiple forms, dependent on the historic resources or history being highlighted, as well as the financial and staff resources available to implement the expansion. Expansion of programming could occur through adding new sites, extending programs into different times of the year, or developing content for new formats. Adaptive and graphic interpretative signs at public locations should be part of this effort. Partnerships are critical to the success of many existing programs and collaboration for growth will be imperative.